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Construction Management

DENEB Service Management

Deneb Inc.

DENEB Service Management creates service orders, tracks their status, andmaintains daily schedules for dispatching technicians. It maintains acustomer file, an inventory file, a serial number file, a parts kit file,and a technician file. Service orders in process update committedinventory, with automatic pricing and costing of materials providedthrough DENEB Inventory Control. Recurring orders can be stored andgenerated automatically on demand. DENEB Service Management has user-defined suspense codes and user-defined priority codes with date-activated progressions.

Language: AcuCOBOL-85
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: COBOL runtime, 132-column printer
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.1,2.4 Solaris x86 2.1

Deneb Inc.
201 Riverside Dr Suite 2C
Dayton, OH 45405
Phone: (513) 223-4849
Fax: (513) 223-1548